Twerk Definition – Written
So you want to know what the Twerk Definition is. Well let’s take a look back to around the year 1999 when rappers made music that females have been dancing to that is fast and upbeat that became popular with songs like “Back that Thang Up”. It seems ever since then more and more twerking was witnessed in numerous rap and hip hop music videos. It simply can be defined as the dancing and gyrating of the lower body while in a squat position, usually in the booty area. Simple enough? Didn’t think so. The thing is that a Twerk Definition is best demonstrated not written.Twerk Definition – Illustrated
For a proper illustration of the Twerk Definition you do not need to go any further than YouTube. The popular video steaming website is full of the phenomenon that can be unlocked just be searching the term “Twerk Definition” Doing this it will bring you to one of my personal favorite twerk videos Titled “The Definition of Twerk” Watch here and be amazed:d
YouTube has begun to fill up with many other females (and sometimes males) with their own version of what twerking is. Some individual decided to take it into their own hands and create a website called “WatchMeTwerk” This is a video streaming website exclusively for Twerking. Users can submit their own videos at will and people can view, comment, and share. You can find numerous dance videos, some good and some bad.
Twerk Definition – The Hype

Twerk Definitions – Caution
Twerking can be easily learned and is a joy for many young people to watch and perform for females. Although individuals should proceed with caution while doing thing. Twerk Definition. Accidents can happen when executing this with added difficulty with many people seeing trouble while trying to use props for their legs. Twerking has recently been brought to attention also because of a high school scandal that occurred at a school where a student used school video equipment to shoot a music video with several females students in it getting in trouble and not being allowed to graduate. Twerk Definition. Check the full story below: My last caution is that if you go looking for twerk definition videos please precede with caution. Many girls will wear small shorts with various patterns. Staring too close at twerking in stripes or other patterns can cause hypnotism, nausea, and increase in thirst. Don’t believe me? Watch below. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.
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